At the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce ceremony to unveil her star, Oprah Winfrey and Eddie Murphy offered personal testimony about Ruth E. Carter’s talent, acumen, and meticulousness. Carter, in turn, thanked all the people she’s met along the way that helped make it happen. Although the ceremony was virtual, the star will be in place at 6800 Hollywood Blvd. for visitors to enjoy.“
The passing of Costume Designer Theadora Van Runkle prompted an avalanche of tributes recognizing her significant contributions…
What do Beyoncé, cowboys, and Godzilla have in common? Other than whopping box office returns, the answer is the distinctive and innovative costumes of Sharen Davis. Her costume design moves seamlessly between genres, from Westerns to science fiction, and every decade of the 20th century. Davis deals in hyperbole like it’s an everyday language. She took Django (Jamie Foxx) from chains and rags to Calvin Candie’s (Leonardo DiCaprio) burgundy suit in a move so brash that the movie itself stops to take a moment and appreciate it. Beyoncé time traveled right into her glittering gowns in Dreamgirls. She took Westworld from cowboys to samurai to the not-too-distant future.
The Career Achievement Award recognizes valuable contributions by costume designers to the Costume Designers Guild and the genre of costume design.
Deborah L. Scott’s costume designs are more than movie history—they are Americana. Twenty-six years ago, Titanic became a global phenomenon and earned her an Academy Award ®. The Costume Designers Guild is proud to recognize her with the 2023 Career Achievement Award.
Costume Designer Ray Aghayan – who was honored in 2008 by the Costume Designers Guild…
26th Costume Designers Guild Awards Winners