Rates Chart

Local 892 Wage Scales: Please note: The two rate charts listed are for the Basic Agreement contract and reflect the current year and last year’s; pilots, 1st season & 2nd season revert back to the previous year’s rates. Rate increases take effect every August 4. Remember: CD & ACDs are based on an on-call, flat daily or weekly. Illustrators are based on an hourly. Everything under line 2202 refers to Illustrator rates. Call the office if you need further clarification.

Signatory Costume Houses

There are many signatory costume houses and workrooms under IATSE contracts. Members can pull rentals, rent production space, hold fittings, have costumes altered and built all under a union contract. It is imperative to use signatory costume houses for all custom-made costumes and props to be in compliance with the IATSE Contracts. Click here if you would also like to download the Custom Made Member list.


Studio Services

Local 705 & 892 Studio Services. This page is a resource for Union Members, please help to keep it current, contact bromanov@cdgia.com to update. *Not all stores have reopened. Please call each store to find their availably, hours and safety protocols.

Forms, Charts and Lists

Universal Costume Research Library


In exchange for the gift of costume research books to the Universal Costume Research Library, all members of the Costume Designers Guild will be offered free access to the books and magazines in the library for research use within the facility. Any costs incurred such as color copies/staff research time or computer time will be billed to the production or designer at a discounted cost. This offer shall stand as long as the library is in existence.


Our business hours are 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday
Library Hours: 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Universal Studios Costume Department
100 Universal City Plaza 8166-4
Universal City, CA 91608