CDG Holiday Party 2022

By Anna Wyckoff | February 6, 2023

CDG Holiday Party 2022

Tis the season to sparkle

Our holiday party at the Guild was festive and fun event. Once again, Western Costume Company generously sponsored the party. Our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Eddie Marks and Kristin Holbak. Everyone enjoyed our raffle offerings graciously donated by Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s Sherman Oaks Studio Services, On This Day, and several other vendors. Proceeds from the raffle were donated to the Motion Picture Television Fund. We have such wonderfully supportive partners. A great time was had by all.


Fairy lights on winters nights

Our December Holiday celebration at the Guild brought us all together to cheer and enjoy an overdue evening of revelry!
-Terry Ann Gordon, President

If you don’t believe you won’t receive

Unionism is all about solidarity and collaborating with your fellow worker. The Costume Designers Guild is constantly working on events to ensure our members have a way to meet, connect, socialize, and build solidarity. The Holiday party was the CDG at its best, including; members, signatory costume houses, studio service, and other IATSE representatives.
-Brigitta Romanov, Executive Director

Sparkle and shine this Holiday

A heartfelt thank you to our sponsors.