For Showtime’s Your Honor, costume designer Caroline B. Marx and assistant costume designer Ken Van Duyne worked with a carefully controlled color palette to differentiate the clans of New Orleans who populate this dark tale of morality and family loyalties.
In a 1995 interview with Wired magazine, Steve Jobs likened creativity to a game of connect-the-dots, with truly innovative design happening when the dots are culled from the far, the wide, and the unexpected.
At the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce ceremony to unveil her star, Oprah Winfrey and Eddie Murphy offered personal testimony about Ruth E. Carter’s talent, acumen, and meticulousness. Carter, in turn, thanked all the people she’s met along the way that helped make it happen. Although the ceremony was virtual, the star will be in place at 6800 Hollywood Blvd. for visitors to enjoy.“
The difference between an editorial fashion stylist and a Costume Designer becomes starkly obvious when it comes to outfitting men who don’t fit into average-size clothes.
The CDG is committed to exposing and eliminating systemic biases in all aspects of our field. We commit to doing this both within our organization and with advocacy throughout our community” Standing together to celebrate a diverse group of people that represent different ethnicities, a vibrant range of cultural, racial backgrounds, gender roles, and sexual orientations.
Our holiday party at the Guild was festive and fun event. Once again, Western Costume Company generously sponsored the party. Our sincerest thanks and appreciation to Eddie Marks and Kristin Holbak. Everyone enjoyed our raffle offerings graciously donated by Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s Sherman Oaks Studio Services, On This Day, and several other vendors. Proceeds from the raffle were donated to the Motion Picture Television Fund. We have such wonderfully supportive partners. A great time was had by all.
IATSE Events: On October 15, 2022, nineteen Los Angeles locals hosted the “All In” IATSE Hollywood Mixer and PAC fundraiser. The event was attended by over 500 IA members from locals all over the country. Members had fun, got to reconnect with old friends, met new ones to add to their network and play games that helped them mix.